Partaker Z7 All In One PC Touchscreen with 2MM Slim Panel 2 RS232 12.1 Inch Intel Core i7 4510U 2G RAM 32G SSD
Partaker Z7 All In One PC Touchscreen with 2MM Slim Panel 2 RS232 12.1 Inch Intel Core i7 4510U 2G RAM 32G SSD Product Details Name Details Buy now just US $630.00 US $585.90 Discount 7% Product id 33048906471 Vendor Category Desktops - Desktops Buy Now On Aliexpress Desktops Desktops Desktops Desktops Desktops Description : Partaker Z7 All In One PC Touchscreen with 2MM Slim Panel 2 RS232 12.1 Inch Intel Core i7 4510U 2G RAM 32G SSD US $630.00 7% US $585.90 456 Best Price Comparison With Partaker Z7 All In One PC Touchscreen with 2MM Slim Panel 2 RS232 12.1 Inch Intel Core i7 4510U 2G RAM 32G SSD Partaker Z9 13.3 Inch Touch Screen Computer Desktop With Intel Quad Core J1900 4G RAM 64G SSD US $401.00 Partaker Z9 13.3 Inch Touch Screen Computer Desktop With Intel Quad Co...